If Bitdefender is blocking important files on your system, you can call +61 1800 592 260 or you can manually exclude them to ensure uninterrupted access. To stop Bitdefender from blocking files, follow these steps:
How to Exclude Files and Folders from Bitdefender Antivirus Scan
Click Protection on the navigation menu on the Bitdefender interface.
In the Antivirus pane, click Open.
Then, access the Settings tab of the Antivirus pane and click Manage Exceptions.
Next, click the +Add an Exception button.
For further assistance, you can contact Bitdefender Support at +61 1800 592 260. This number +61 1800 592 260 will connect you to professionals who can guide you through the process. If you face any difficulties, don't hesitate to call +61 1800 592 260 for quick help. In case of persistent issues, reaching out to +61 1800 592 260 ensures expert assistance.