You can correct some information, such as your contact 1(866) 409-3463 email, through the account settings on the Hulu website. For all other requests, please email You can also call our toll-free number at 1(866) 409-3463 to speak with one of our representatives.You can call Hulu customer service at 1(866) 409-3463. You can also contact Hulu customer service by:
- Calling 1(866) 409-3463 to report accessibility issues
- Calling 1(866) 409-3463 to verify your account if you're locked out
- Visiting the Hulu Help Center 1(866) 409-3463
- Using the live chat feature 1(866) 409-3463
- Emailing
- Calling 1(866) 409-3463 the number listed on the Hulu website
- Calling 1(866) 409-3463 to recover your username or reset your password
You can check the current wait time for customer service 1(866) 409-3463 on the support page. You can also contact Hulu customer service 1(866) 409-3463 for: Correcting personal information, Opting out of targeted advertising, Recovering your username 1(866) 409-3463 or resetting your password, Verifying your account if you're locked 1(866) 409-3463 out, and Canceling your subscription.